Having a vision statement for one’s self is one of the best tools to becoming the best version of yourself. This tool has been used for over a hundred years by some of the most successful individuals in our recent history. It can be very overwhelming though to just sit down and write a statement that fully encompasses your whole life, who you want to be, and where you want to go, all while sparking emotion and motivation.
So where do you beginning in writing a vision statement. First realize that a vision statement is not a goal but a way of being. For example, a goal is wanting to reach a new personal record of 200lbs bench press. A vision would be wanting to be strong and healthy. A goal will help you reach your vision but is not your vision.
Second divide your life into different parts and write a vision statement for each one of those areas.
I recommend these five zones:
You then write a vision statement for each one of these areas. By breaking down your life into different aspects allows you to be more specific and focused. For example, if we are writing a vision for the financial sector of our life we might say, “I am finically secure in my ability to pay my debts, save 45% of my net income, and make sound financial decisions that will incur financial growth”.
Create a vision statement for each one of these facets of your life, then look for commonalities, where visions cross over. In addition look for key words that don’t cross over but you feel are vital in how you want to show up in your life. Now take both the crossover areas and vital key words to create one emotionally charged vision statement.
Once you have your vision statement written you should have it readily available at all times. This will allow you to read it or say it when you wake up and periodically throughout the day.